Saturday, January 31, 2009

do you know why i stopped you?

An interesting little tidbit on Wired yesterday shows that Hummer drivers get nearly five times the traffic tickets than the average driver.

It's definitely food for thought for me, because I firmly believe that only certain personalities consider purchasing a Hummer. I mean seriously. People who don't care about cars get cars that make that statement: the "I don't care" car can be a number of different makes. The Ford 500 and Chevy Cavalier are classic "whatever" models. People who care about speed buy fast cars, people who care about the environment (or care about being perceived as caring about the environment) buy hybrids. So what kind of person buys the Hummer? And are they really less careful drivers? Do they attract the wrong kind of attention from the law? Or, as the article dismisses at the very end, are they being unfairly targeted by the police?

I have to believe that there is a personality type behind the wheel of the Hummer that leads to these statistics. Obviously someone who drives a Hummer cares very little about what people may perceive as politically correct, and has a desire to sit head and shoulders (quite literally) above the rest of the traffic fray. Perhaps the Hummer simply imbues its drivers with a sense that the usual rules just don't apply.

Or maybe it's just really hard to tell how fast you're going when all the other motorists look like tiny ants from where you sit.

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